Monthly Archives: June 2011

Research Journal Entry #10

I haven’t really touched my proposal since the last update, but I have successfully written about 90% of my Literature Review for Library 2.0 on the impact of Facebook and other social networking sites on interpersonal relationships, and I’m pretty happy with it. I did all the citations in MLA format before I noticed that it has to be done some other way, but that should be a pretty easy fix and it’s still not due for a while. I just wanted to have the two major papers mostly done before the end of June so I could focus on Cataloging. I have no clue what’s going on in that class, but I keep getting 4/5’s and 5/5’s on the quizzes, so I guess I’m doing something right.

It’s almost lunchtime, and I am psyched for noms. There’s also a mobile blood bank in my office park, so my coworker Sarah and I are going to zip over there and try to donate before the end of our break. I’m not sure what the deal is with when you’re allowed to eat leading up to donating, or whether you’re not allowed to donate if you’re on your period, or exactly how long it is that you are required to wait after getting your last tattoo…so I may not be able to do it today after all, but there’s no harm in wandering over to find out anyway, and it won’t stop me from doing it sometime soon! I figure that if I’m willing to subject myself to needles for aesthetic purposes, then I should be willing to donate and do some good.

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Research Journal Entry #9

I spent most of last week writing my protoproposal – I’d estimate that it’s approximately 75% done right now, perhaps a little more. I’m not totally sure how this is going to affect my ability to write regular journal entries on it, but I’ll make it work somehow. Anyway, it’s going fairly well so far. I’ve blocked everything off into sections, so all of the results and the researchers’ reflections on those results are categorized according to the advantages and disadvantages of the internet, the gift and curse of technology, the effects of information overload, and the role of librarians in the Information Age. All of that is, of course, sandwiched between an introduction paragraph (or two), and a conclusion with notes on the strengths and weaknesses of the research I used and a lot of suggestions for further research. I mean, I’m pretty sure that’s what the paper is supposed to look like anyway, according to the syllabus, so unless that’s just a pack of lies…I should at least get points for following directions, doing a hell of a lot of reading, talking about it to my friends constantly and annoying the crap out of them, working through my lunch breaks, and trying my best.

Anyway, there’s more to do tomorrow and all of next week – gotta start on the 2.0 paper ASAP!

Oh, PS – you may have noticed, I just posted my book review for Blink a few minutes ago, too. I will also be tweeting it on my class Twitter account sometime on or around the 30th, so prepare yourself for a barrage of updates coming at you. You have been warned.

PPS – I really should have mentioned this way earlier (see: weeks ago) but it kept slipping my mind – I created a blog for the Ashaway Free Library as part of my course project for Library 2.0, and you can check it out here!

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Book Review – Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell

Gladwell, Malcolm. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. First Edition. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2005.

Blink is concerned with the importance of first instincts and subsequent impressions, and the ability to “thin-slice,” or to make accurate decisions about people, places, events, or moments in the blink of an eye. Do you think this seems like a difficult and potentially disastrous act? Don’t think. Blink.

As animals, human beings are equipped with an adaptive unconscious that is necessary for survival in every “natural” situation, but appears to be obsolete in most aspects of modern society. These are the instinctual reactions to virtually every living thing has to the extremes of fire, flood, and famine, but also relates to almost imperceptible ability to read faces and body language and sense the pheromones in those around you to help you best gauge a situation. However, as animals with highly developed cognitive reasoning, human beings have become considerably detached from their natural instincts. Furthermore, even when we are fortunate enough to become aware of them, most people have trained themselves to not trust their instincts as fully as they should and feel they must continue to gather information and analyze that data, which eventually results in what is Gladwell describes as “Analysis Paralysis.” The theories Gladwell discusses in Blink can be applied to the issues stemming from the expansion of Web 2.0 in a number of fascinating ways.

The first way that Blink is applicable to Web 2.0 culture is centered around the theory and practice of Thin Slicing and how it can be (and effectively already is) used in social media. Every day, people make snap decisions about other individuals they come across online based almost entirely on a profile picture and a typically brief “About Me” blurb on any number of social networking sites, and this raises a number of questions. How accurate are these snap decisions? Can you appropriately judge someone based on this little bit of information? Do you need to meet with that individual face-to-face, or is only Facebook truly necessary? How important is movement, scent, sound, and the feel of an encounter? If these elements are rendered insignificant, is this indicative of a loss of humanity?

These questions (and still others that remain unasked) prove that the ramifications of thin-slicing in Web 2.0 culture are not wholly in alignment with Gladwell’s exact interpretation of thin-slicing. He defines thin-slicing as an approach to life that is extremely sensory and animalistic, whereas the thin slices gleaned from social networking sites are generally only visual and highly cognitive. However, the basic principle remains essentially the same (the ability to gain a lot of insight based on a little information), and one of the researchers whom Malcolm interviewed for his book has since run a separate study on the role which Facebook now plays in assessing personality from a technological distance.

This is the article about how Facebook can serve as a personality test.

Secondly, Analysis Paralysis is becoming an ever increasing hazard as we sally forth into the Information Age. Interestingly, the same social networking sites which are (perhaps unwittingly) founded on the technique of thin-slicing are also almost entirely responsible for the excessive influx of personal information and personal opinions. Twitter is another excellent example of Web 2.0 thin-slicing; it has a strict limit of 140 characters and sparse profile options, but with hundreds of thousands of tweets being sent out every minute (and many of them are certainly of no particular importance), it is tremendously easy to become overwhelmed and overloaded with information.

Finally, Blink also speaks to the leveling of intellectual society, through Gladwell’s belief that even an expert’s opinion may be fundamentally biased by the aforementioned excess of information, and also by known or unknown prejudices, prior experiences, preferences, and aversions. He does not believe that the existence of experts is insignificant, it should be noted and as is clear due to the many experts whom he interviewed during the course of the book. Rather, he seems to feel that they should remain as aware of their own limitations as non-experts already are, as a way of creating and sustaining intellectual equality. Wiping the slate clean and balancing opinions effectively leads to the leveling of society, which is currently being experienced due to self-publication through online social media. For example, corporate news stations are still very much in business, but many journalists are getting their start (or even basing their entire career) in blogging. Cookbooks are still widely available and popular as ever, but anyone can start a cooking blog of their own, and if that blog garners enough attention, a book deal is usually right around the corner. This is a tremendously positive thing in most respects, because it blurs the lines between expert and amateur and has the potential to keep both readers, aspiring writers, and everyone already in the publication world on their toes.

Gladwell is a truly gifted writer and draws from a great variety of studies and resources provided with wonderful commentary by expert individuals. I chose to listen to Blink as an audiobook rather than read it because of time constraints, and I was very pleased by the narration (the author did it himself) and the thoughtful and strategic use of music. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in having their mind blown and their eyes opened.

Be sure to check out The Pioneer Woman and The Frenemy, too! Ree got her start blogging and now has a whole series of cookbooks, and Alida (of The Frenemy fame) has a book coming out sometime in 2012!

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IT’s Not Easy Being Green

How Green Is Your Internet? from Patrick Clair on Vimeo.

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Research Journal #8

Hey all. Looks like I forgot to update. That, and I also really haven’t gotten any work done in the two days since I last updated. But I’m going to change all of that today. I hope. It’s pretty tricky trying to write papers while also literally on the job, and even trickier when your computer at work doesn’t have Microsoft Word so you have to write everything in email. Anyway, that’s all. I’m trying to snarf down some yogurt and then hit the road, so have a fantastic day.


Filed under Research and Evaluation

Research Journal Entry #7

I finished my bibliographic annotations over the weekend, thankfully, and submitted them along with my research proposal. So, hopefully that will go over well. Until I get them back, I’m disinclined to start doing anything major towards the final project…that, and I’m just out straight anyway and if I look at any more text on Information Overload, my brain will overload and spontaneously combust. So, I guess that’s all for now. Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll start on taking the annotations and turning them into what they actually need to be – it doesn’t even sound that horribly difficult, just a bit time-consuming and maybe a little mind-numbing, especially when it’s so gorgeous out. It was definitely a mistake to sign up for summer classes. It’s torturous to be stuck inside with homework on the days we’ve been having. Oh well. Live and learn. Crash and burn.

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Totaled by Twitter

As we’re finally moving away from the Anthony Weiner scandal but closer towards a time when Twitter (and the like) will be even more central to our professional lives, I figured it was an appropriate time to share this article: 10 Careers Totaled by Twitter. Something to keep in mind!

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Research Journal Entry #6

Well, I’ve hit another road block regarding my research. Basically, I’ve read approximately a dozen articles, but only four of them are direct reports of research done by the authors themselves, and I need at least five. Sugar fudge.

Besides that, my annotations are going pretty well. It’s difficult for me to gauge what the strengths and weaknesses of each study are, but I’m managing. Figuring out the intentions of the researchers, the methods, and the results is pretty easy.

My goal is to finish the annotations by tomorrow afternoon on my lunch break, and then finish my readings for the Library 2.0 Literature review by Friday so I can start putting both of these projects together by the start of next week, and hopefully finish both of them by the end of June, so then I’ll really only have to worry about Cataloging for the first two weeks of July and then I’ll be g-o-n-e.

But in order to finish the annotations, I will probably need to figure out a fifth article…and there just isn’t that much research out there already on my topic specifically. Lots of information on how it relates to marketing, lots of information on how to manage it, but not a lot of information on information overload itself, which is weird.

And in order to finish my readings for 2.0, I will need to be able to stay awake while reading for more than half an hour at a time. Ugh. Easier said than done. The topic (how Facebook/social networking has affected interpersonal relationships) is actually really interesting to me, but I am not a natural reader. I am a natural sleeper.

Anyway, time to make dinner (mixed veggies sauteed in garlic and olive oil with whatever spices I can find in the cabinet…I wish I had some kind of sauce to go with it, but alas, I am a poor girl and a poor meal planner sometimes) and start on all that homework.


Filed under Research and Evaluation

Where have all the users gone?

I found this a few minutes ago – nobody panic, but Facebook is experiencing a drop. HOW WILL WE SURVIVE.

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If Facebook Were “Real”

I just came across this video on Buzzfeed about how Facebook Behavior is Creepy IRL, and I figured I’d share.

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