Tag Archives: Bibliography

Research Journal Entry #12

Happy holiday weekend, everyone! As predicted (nay, promised), I have not done any homework since Friday morning (except attached/submitted a copy of my Annotated Bibliography for Research and Evaluation, but I barely broke a sweat) and I could not be happier. The foam party was awesome on Friday, I made some excellent progress on my tan on Saturday, went shopping, ate delicious food, went to Paddy’s again on Saturday night, woke up bright and early this morning and headed to the beach again (although it was mostly cloudy, boo), and now I’m waiting to find out if my friend Hannah has to go in to work tonight or if we can go see Transformers and maybe go to the second foam party (though I’m doubtful that we actually will, and that’s okay with me). Very lovely weekend for me, I hope you’re all enjoying yours as well.

Naturally, this journal entry would be way better had I actually done any work at all since I last posted, but seeing as it’s due on Tuesday and I will not even be starting to think about working on anything until Tuesday afternoon, I figured I’d just get it in now.

So, points off for content but points on for fun??

I mean, honestly, if I wasn’t so gosh-darned good at time and task management, then I wouldn’t have been in a position to be able to shirk my responsibilities this weekend entirely, right, and then I would have had something to update about because I would have been stuck at home working on stuff. But I’m too amazing and efficient for that.

The end!

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Filed under Research and Evaluation

Research Journal Entry #10

I haven’t really touched my proposal since the last update, but I have successfully written about 90% of my Literature Review for Library 2.0 on the impact of Facebook and other social networking sites on interpersonal relationships, and I’m pretty happy with it. I did all the citations in MLA format before I noticed that it has to be done some other way, but that should be a pretty easy fix and it’s still not due for a while. I just wanted to have the two major papers mostly done before the end of June so I could focus on Cataloging. I have no clue what’s going on in that class, but I keep getting 4/5’s and 5/5’s on the quizzes, so I guess I’m doing something right.

It’s almost lunchtime, and I am psyched for noms. There’s also a mobile blood bank in my office park, so my coworker Sarah and I are going to zip over there and try to donate before the end of our break. I’m not sure what the deal is with when you’re allowed to eat leading up to donating, or whether you’re not allowed to donate if you’re on your period, or exactly how long it is that you are required to wait after getting your last tattoo…so I may not be able to do it today after all, but there’s no harm in wandering over to find out anyway, and it won’t stop me from doing it sometime soon! I figure that if I’m willing to subject myself to needles for aesthetic purposes, then I should be willing to donate and do some good.

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Filed under Research and Evaluation

Research Journal Entry #7

I finished my bibliographic annotations over the weekend, thankfully, and submitted them along with my research proposal. So, hopefully that will go over well. Until I get them back, I’m disinclined to start doing anything major towards the final project…that, and I’m just out straight anyway and if I look at any more text on Information Overload, my brain will overload and spontaneously combust. So, I guess that’s all for now. Tomorrow afternoon, I’ll start on taking the annotations and turning them into what they actually need to be – it doesn’t even sound that horribly difficult, just a bit time-consuming and maybe a little mind-numbing, especially when it’s so gorgeous out. It was definitely a mistake to sign up for summer classes. It’s torturous to be stuck inside with homework on the days we’ve been having. Oh well. Live and learn. Crash and burn.

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Filed under Research and Evaluation

Research Journal Entry #5

I haven’t updated my research journal because I haven’t really been researching. I’ve been far too busy with a billion other things, frankly, and the thought of dealing with the bland and stale articles I’m going through anymore than I already have is depressing. At some point today, though, I will finally try to get my annotations done. Well, started anyway. I want to get the bibliographic information down in a Word document and do a brief summary of each article and then I’ll see what else I can do from there.

But in the meantime I have to do a bunch of stuff for Cataloging, and also update this blog again about who I’m following on Twitter (stay tuned, folks) and why, work on my book review for Blink, start a new blog (this will be my fourth fully operational and current blog, good Lord…) for the Ashaway Library as my course project for Library 2.0, get some exercise in maybe, make a pie, make lunch for the rest of the week, make dinner, clean my room/house, and maybe try to beat the final level of Angry Birds if I have time.

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Filed under Research and Evaluation

Research Journal Entry #4

I’m afraid I don’t have much to say in this entry. I think I’ve gotten past the gripping fear of having selected all the wrong articles upon which to base my own research, having been assured that solid, qualitative research is just as acceptable as quantitative. I haven’t had a chance to go through the bibliographies of my best sources yet, but hopefully I’ll get a chance to do that during my lunch hour tomorrow or on Wednesday (I won’t have time in between because I’m going on a road trip to Montreal with one of my best friends and her sister, just for one overnight and an afternoon).

I did, however, extract all of the quotes that I had previously highlighted over the last few days, and now I have a lovely 8-page document just loaded up with quotes waiting to be shuffled around into categories and turned into something resembling an outline.

Now I’m off to clean out my car, run some errands, go on a run myself, make some granola, make dinner, then babysit my boyfriend’s little sister.

Am I in Greece yet?

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Filed under Research and Evaluation