Tag Archives: holiday weekend

Research Journal Entry #12

Happy holiday weekend, everyone! As predicted (nay, promised), I have not done any homework since Friday morning (except attached/submitted a copy of my Annotated Bibliography for Research and Evaluation, but I barely broke a sweat) and I could not be happier. The foam party was awesome on Friday, I made some excellent progress on my tan on Saturday, went shopping, ate delicious food, went to Paddy’s again on Saturday night, woke up bright and early this morning and headed to the beach again (although it was mostly cloudy, boo), and now I’m waiting to find out if my friend Hannah has to go in to work tonight or if we can go see Transformers and maybe go to the second foam party (though I’m doubtful that we actually will, and that’s okay with me). Very lovely weekend for me, I hope you’re all enjoying yours as well.

Naturally, this journal entry would be way better had I actually done any work at all since I last posted, but seeing as it’s due on Tuesday and I will not even be starting to think about working on anything until Tuesday afternoon, I figured I’d just get it in now.

So, points off for content but points on for fun??

I mean, honestly, if I wasn’t so gosh-darned good at time and task management, then I wouldn’t have been in a position to be able to shirk my responsibilities this weekend entirely, right, and then I would have had something to update about because I would have been stuck at home working on stuff. But I’m too amazing and efficient for that.

The end!

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Filed under Research and Evaluation

Research Journal Entry #11

I got so much work done on both my papers this past week! My research proposal is about 98% finished at this point, thank goodness. I just need to proof-read it once or twice for errors and awkwardness, and I will be totally set with it. The literature review for 2.0 is about 90% done – the concluding paragraph is still unfinished, and I need to proof read it all to make sure the topic sentences go with the thesis and all, but otherwise I am happy with it. I’ve also made a lot of progress on my 2.0 final project – the blog is up and running, though a little lacking in updates because Ashaway is a sleepy little town and summer reading is only just kicking off. I wrote the majority of the implementation plan for it yesterday on my lunch break, and it’s going pretty smoothly. Oh, and I also aced my last Cataloging quiz, which is a small miracle because I had to guess at a lot of it. I am beyond thrilled that everything is running so on schedule and I was able to stick to my own deadlines – I’m a little proud of myself, too, I have to say.

I’m not out of the woods, yet, though. I still have to get through the rest of Cataloging, and while I have managed to build a decent margin of error from doing so well on the quizzes, that can easily be shattered by the fact that I do not understand MARC whatsoever, or almost anything else for that matter.

Anyway, I’m giving myself the weekend off cause it’s the holiday and I deserve it. I’ll still have to check in at some point to copy/paste or upload my annotations and these journal entries onto Sakai, but since they’re basically done, I’m not counting it. Otherwise, I plan to be at the beach for as much time as possible – basking in the gorgeous weather that the meteorologists have promised, dancing at one of the two foam parties going on at Paddy’s, and/or attending the Pimps & Hoes Ball…also at Paddy’s. I might finally get around to making that berry pie I’ve been dreaming about for a month, too.

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Filed under Research and Evaluation