Tag Archives: Lies my teacher told me

Research Journal Entry #16

I’m so close, I can almost taste it! I submitted my proposal for Research and Evaluation, along with my literature review and final project for Library 2.0 last night, and I just wrapped up my technical services report for Cataloging. Once this very journal entry is complete, I can consolidate entries 13-16 and submit those, and then sometime later tonight or tomorrow morning I’ll write my final journal reflection.

The only thing that really sucks currently is that I’m very on edge because Dr. Ma apparently doesn’t feel that any of my multiple emails warrant a response, so I have no idea when/how I’m supposed to submit my graded Dewey Decimal System assignment/follow-up quiz that’s worth 20% of my grade. Super nerve-wracking and extremely annoying.

Anyway, beyond that, I’m about as set as I can be. I may get out of work early today, which would be glorious (though financially disastrous, considering that I’m already missing all of next week and the following Monday, taking off this Friday and a half-day on Thursday) because then I would have more time to visit Steven at work (maybe), go for a run and maybe a tan, make something nommy for dinner or maybe get something to eat with mi madre, work on the reflection journal, and maybe even start on a movie until the boyf gets out of work. But in the worst case scenario, I won’t get out of work til the usual 5, and I’ll just have two extra hours of patient-free time to work on the reflection piece and also take care of all the listing I’ve been meaning to do for Greece – things to bring in my carry-on, things to pack, things to take care of before I leave, emergency phone numbers, addresses for postcards, etc.


Filed under Research and Evaluation